Humor of the Desert Dwelling Fathers

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A certain sophist of this age came to visit an Elder. Seeing that he had nothing but a Bible, he gave the Elder his own commentary on the Bible. A year later, he again visited the Elder and asked:

- Father, did my book help you better understand the Bible?

- On the contrary, - answered the Elder – I had to turn to the Bible in order to understand your book.

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A certain young monk asked an elder:

- Father, now do I have to completely renounce the world?

- Fear not, - answered the elder, - if you live a really Christian life, the world will immediately renounce you.

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A very rich man who lived in Alexandria prayed to God every day that the lives of the indigent be made easier. On hearing about this, Abba Makarios sent him a message: «I would like to own all your estate.» The man was puzzled, and sent one of his servants to ask what [Abba Makarios] would do with all that wealth. Abba Makarios said:

- Tell your master that I would immediately answer his prayer.

Address of our Cathedral

  • 4001 17th St. N.W.,
  • Washington, D.C., 20011

Phone  (202) 726-3000




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